Happily Ever After & Everything In Between

Book Review

Book Author : Debbie Tung

I was waiting for this book for a long time. It arrived to me yesterday after my countless searching through countless online bookshops. For the past few months I was dreaming about this book and now I am finally eating, sleeping— in overall living with this book. 

It's wholesome! With her adorable writing, Debbie made me awe once again in Happily Ever After & Everything In Between. I could relate almost every comic to my own relationship with my best friend (with whom I wanna tie the knot too). Like, I also tell him 'I love you' now and then apparently without any reason, how he would surprise me with the new released book of my favorite author, how our deep and meaningful conversation turn 180 degree into something silly... I would probably add one more thing, my bestie's love for football. He kinda lives in UK time to watch every bit of Manchester City's every match. Without City he isn't himself. 

This book was very very special to me. Will read it again to cheer myself up. Thanks Debbie for your endearing words and lovely illustrations!


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