My audiobook journey with Small Great Things

A review of Small Great Things (book by Jodi Picoult) 

Audiobooks are my walking partners. They give me the vibe that I am not walking on the same plot everyday. I picked up the audiobook version of Small Great Things two weeks ago. The book is 16 hours long. I thought it would take me a month to finish it. In that case, I won’t have to look for another audiobook for at least a month. I had plans to listen to it during my 20 minutes walk at night. But I was so into the story, I had my ear buds on while I was having my breakfast, even while going to bed…

The story goes on with three narratives- getting out the charm of audiobooks. The characters had heroes, villains inside them. And these were so alive in the voices of the narrators! Ruth sounded like a practical woman who has led a life with standards. Kennedy sounded very soft and professional. And Turk sounded like a person whom you don’t wanna mess up with! My listening experience was too good with this book. It was like watching your favorite tv show. You plan to watch only one episode a day and end up watching more.

I won’t go into the details of the story. It’s a very intriguing one. But I was not awed. It’s a type of book where bad things happen to good people and devils are punished at the end. Too bad I am no longer a child to buy these things, even in a book. A positive change in society takes much more time. It is also true for a conservative person. I would find the story more appealing if the characters stayed more glued to their faults. Because that’s the reality. We work hard for a living, run fast to catch our dreams… but when it comes to shaking off our prejudices, we are not very fast at all.

I would recommend the audiobook. The amazing narration made it so thrilling!


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