Bachelor: Ami To Preme Porini...

Movie review

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The movie is full of gems from actors, actresses and directors to lyricists and vocalists. It gives us the flavor of bachelor life with many spices. Technology and fashion have changed after the 18 years of this movie’s release but the chemistry of these bachelors’ lives seems forever present.

The boys or men of the movie with their different attitudes towards women sit in a circle and argue about women. However they agree or deny, their lives circle around women, one or more. They are hopeful, confused, hopeless- all at some point of their lives, about women. Same goes for the women in the movie. The dilemma is perfectly put in the song “keu prem kore, keu preme pore, amar hoyeche konta…”

There is no arguing about the film though. It’s perfect from the authenticity to the artistry. I loved to look back at the 2000's young generation of Bangladesh. People used to still take photos with cameras and print them, fotua was the hot fashion of both men and women, their rooms were equipped with cube monitors of computers and CDs and magazines, mini folded cell phones in their pockets held miscalls of their boyfriends/girlfriends. There were scenes with visual dialogues only and a background guitar music, they felt like “...” after a paragraph of a novel. Really liked that.

The minimal setting of this movie was another praiseworthy point. You could see the movie was made with effort and love rather than from budget, for people who value the true art of cinema. One favorite scene of the movie was- when Shathi (Aupee Karim) receives multiple phone calls from Fahim and Rumel consecutively to answer her location. “Now in Mohakhali”- this simple sentence was uttered with two different tones for two different callers. This is Farooki’s signature that we would see again in his later movies.

If you are looking forward to watching something like this, that captures human complications with beautiful drama and comedy, go watch “Choruivati” by Farooki. Another epic and also that film was the prequel of Sathi, Faisal and Fahmida’s triangle.

Rewatched it for the first time. But I would not count my first watch as a girl when I was too young to understand either theoretical or human chemistry. I'm gonna watch this classic time after time, pour the soul and sound of this movie into my chaotic mind on a drizzling weekend.


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